Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Acorn Electron & BBC Micro

I had forgotten all about my early computing days until reading an ex-pat blog by a family now living in New Zealand.

They had posted about wasting time playing Elite and Chuckie Egg.

Better still they had Chuckie Egg embedded into the post!

When I lived on the Isle of Rum - inner Hebrides of Scotland - at one point there was just me and one other kid in the school. The entire island had about 20 folks living on it. Naturally I spent an inordinate amount of time on my computer. My teacher was something of a whizz and I learned a fair amount of BASIC language and general computer know-how through him.

Anyway, Elite and Chuckie Egg were a big part of my life. And thanks to the Dawes family they might be again.

Free Flash Games


Michael said...

If you think Elite was a flashback, I dare not mention Dogfight!

Ooops, too late :-)

James McLauchlan Johnston said...

Thanks for that.
Another day gone...